Kira logs


Scientific Name: Platymiscum pinnatum

Other Common and Commercial Names: Macawood, Granadillo (Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras), Coyote, Cristobal (Nicaragua,Costa Rica), Trebol, Guayacan trebol (Colombia), Roble (Venezuela), Koenatepi (Surinam), Macacauba, Jacaranda do brejo (Brazil), Cumaseba (Peru).

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Appearance: Varies in colors from burgundy to reddish brown to violet. Plain sawn faces are nicely figured with black streaked grain patterns. Distinctive and pleasant fragrance.

Characteristics: Heavy and hard with low linear shrinkage and stable volumetric shrinkage. Mechanical resistance is high. Has a slow natural drying process but responds well to artificial drying.

Weight: Basic specific gravity (ovendry weight/green volume) varies with species from 0.73 to 0.94; air-dry density 55 to 73 pcf.

Janka Rating: 2450

Working Properties: Easy to work, finishes nicely, responds to glues well.

Uses: Fine furniture, cabinetry, musical instruments, turnery, joinery, pool cues and excellent for Interior Flooring. Is an excellent substitute for Cocobolo and other restricted Rosewood species.