Espave logs


Scientific Name: Anacardium excelsum

Other Common and Commercial Names: Espavel (Costa Rica, Nicaragua)

Appearance: Freshly cut sapwood is very light brown and the heartwood is a reddish yellow. When Air Dried the heartwood is a russet brown with layers of golden reddish cast. Medium to high gloss. Grain is straight to interlocked with medium to coarse texture. Pronounced stripes produced by attractive greenish-yellow vessel lines.

Characteristics: Light wood that shows low linear shrinkage and very stable volumetric shrinkage. Mechanical resistance is ranked as medium. Moderately difficult to Air Dry and tends to twist and warp in artificial drying. Heartwood shows resistance to both fungi and insects. Easy to preserve through pressure-vacuum treatments or immersion.

Weight: Basic specific gravity (oven dry weight/green volume) 0.41; air-dry density pcf.

Janka Rating: 470

Working Properties: It is easy to saw, poor for planning and sanding, good for shaping and mortising, and fair for turning.

Uses: Used locally for construction, concrete forms, cabinet-making, doors, furniture, and pallets/crates.